Spring Forward VoxBox
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Spring Forward VoxBox

I love getting surprises in the mail. Who doesn’t? Last week I got this Spring Forward box VoxBox from Influenster featuring 3 items.

  • Lemi Shine Dishwashing Detergent – a dishwashing detergent that is biodegradable and non-toxic made with powerful citric extracts. The detergent are dual chamber pods with a powder and gel combo. I love the feeling of getting my dishes washed so this is great!
  • Gold Bond Neck & Chest Age Defense Cream – This cream for your neck and chest has SPF in it so it’s great for the warmer weather on the way. With the warmer weather and more skin showing, this is a must.
  • SmashMallow Cookie Dough Marshmallow – This little (or not so little) marshmallows are a fun, sweet treat! This particular one is cookie dough flavored and I love the chocolate chips. The SmashMallow marshmallows are gluten free are made with organic can sugar and simple, non GMO natural ingredients.


Spring Forward VoxBoxSpring Forward VoxBox 1Spring Forward VoxBox 2Lemi Shine Dishwashing DetergentLemi Shine Dishwashing Detergent 1Gold Bond Neck & Chest CreamSmashmallow

Some brief thoughts on all the items – the dishwashing detergent pods work well. I’ve run my dishwasher twice so far with the pods and they’ve gotten everything clean and streak free! The cookie dough marshmallow was tasty, especially with my mocha coffee. Finally, the neck & chest cream is nice and moisturizing, not too thick. You can smell the SPF , but I don’t mind it. The scent fades quickly.

My favorite thing of all the 3 items is probably the dishwashing detergent #adulting.

*I was sent these products complimentary, but all opinions are my own. This post also contains affiliate links.*

Welcome to my blog! I'm a teacher during the day and lifestyle blogger by night. I love pop culture, entertainment/TV/movies/music, food, beauty, travel & fashion! www.twitter.com/jamwong www.instagram.com/lifeaccordingtojamie

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