Oxford Blue Shirt Sweater Dress
Fashion,  Looks

Oxford Blue Sweater Dress

Happy Thursday! Last night is the first weeknight in a while that I went to bed before midnight  and I’m pretty happy about it. I’ve been wanting to get to bed earlier for a while now but I always get caught up doing work or I plan to get to bed earlier and then I remember something that I forgot to do etc. But I got to bed earlier last night so hopefully today is a good day! It might snow this afternoon, which would be good and bad. Good because it would continue to get me in the holiday spirit, but bad because I probably won’t get out of work earlier so it’s just going to be a pain to drive in. We’ll see!

The look I’m sharing with you today is one I wore to work a few days ago and I absolutely love it. It looks like I layered the dress myself, but it’s actually just a dress with the oxford blue shirt details attached to the dress. It’s so comfortable, fits perfectly, and I love the look. The oxford blue collar and hem “underneath” the light tan sweater go so well together. I love the simple, yet classic vibes from this preppy look.

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Dress: English Factory via Shopbop | Boots: DSW

When I wore this to work the other day I wore tights and brown slouchy boots. For these photos I wore my taupe over-the-knee boots that I love so much. I wasn’t sure otk boots are appropriate for work so that’s why I did the tights and slouchy boots to work.

The pop of the oxford blue collar and hem looks so good against the light colored dress. I’m telling you – I love this dress so much that I would not hesitate to get it in other colors if they sold it in other colors!

Welcome to my blog! I'm a teacher during the day and lifestyle blogger by night. I love pop culture, entertainment/TV/movies/music, food, beauty, travel & fashion! www.twitter.com/jamwong www.instagram.com/lifeaccordingtojamie

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