Neon Speckled Cardigan
Fashion,  Looks

Neon Speckled Cardigan

Today is my first day of online teaching during this whole social distancing/self-isolation thing. Wish me luck!

If you’ve been following me on here for a while then you know I love cardigans. I wear sweaters all year long because I’m usually cold. Most of my cardigans are in neutral colors so they will match any outfit, but I do like a little something different every once in a while. So when I saw this cardigan online and on sale I had to have it. It’s a light peachy pink color with neon specks! It’s so pretty. The neon colors are in a orange, pink, and yellow. So fun!

Neon Speckled CardiganNeon Speckled Cardigan 1Neon Speckled Cardigan 2Neon Speckled Cardigan 3Neon Speckled Cardigan 4Neon Speckled Cardigan 5Neon Speckled Cardigan 6Neon Speckled Cardigan 7Neon Speckled Cardigan 8Neon Speckled Cardigan 9Neon Speckled Cardigan 10Neon Speckled Cardigan 11Neon Speckled Cardigan 12

Cardigan: American Eagle (here) | Henley Top: Old Navy | Leggings: LC Lauren Conrad via Kohl’s | Shoes: New York & Company

The cardigan is listed as “Cream” on the American Eagle website, but  I think it’s a very light peachy pink, not cream. It also comes in olive green and grey. The best part is the cardigan is on sale! It was originally $49.95 and it’s on sale right now for $15.99! What a steal!

I wore it over the weekend with a white ribbed henley, brown leggings, and champagne and gold flats. My henley, leggings, and flats are old, but linked to similar items!

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Welcome to my blog! I'm a teacher during the day and lifestyle blogger by night. I love pop culture, entertainment/TV/movies/music, food, beauty, travel & fashion!

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