Dark Floral Shell
Fashion,  Looks

Dark Floral Shell

Every year LOFT puts out these shells (I’m not sure why they call them shells) – sleeveless tops that are sometimes mixed media. They come in all different prints, patterns, necklines. I love them, especially with a cardigan for work.

I wore this dark floral shell earlier in the week for work (even if it’s just virtual) with white pants for a spring look. I wore it with a long cardigan since it was a little chilly to go sleeveless and I loved it like that too!

Dark Floral ShellDark Floral Shell 1Dark Floral Shell 2Dark Floral Shell 3Dark Floral Shell 4Dark Floral Shell 5Dark Floral Shell 6Dark Floral Shell 7Dark Floral Shell 8Dark Floral Shell 9Dark Floral Shell 10Dark Floral Shell 11Dark Floral Shell 12Dark Floral Shell 13Dark Floral Shell 14Dark Floral Shell 15Dark Floral Shell 16

Top: LOFT | Pants: Uniqlo | Cardigan: Express | Bracelet: The Styled Collection (here)

My top is from last year, but I’ve linked to a few currently available from LOFT! Also, my bangle is on sale for $13!

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Welcome to my blog! I'm a teacher during the day and lifestyle blogger by night. I love pop culture, entertainment/TV/movies/music, food, beauty, travel & fashion! www.twitter.com/jamwong www.instagram.com/lifeaccordingtojamie

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