Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt
Fashion,  Looks

Ribbed Turtleneck Dress + Plaid Shirt

I wrote yesterday about how I’m still getting dressed every day for work even though I’m working from home. I’m not wearing dress pants or anything like I would do if I was actually going in to work, but I’m still getting dressed out of pajamas and sweatpants just to help my mindset. For my first day of teaching online on Wednesday I decided that I was going to wear a dress just to kick off this whole teaching from home thing. Plus, I already had it ironed thinking I would be going to work this past week!

I got this ribbed turtleneck dress from Amazon and I love how stretchy it is. It’s actually also got a decent thickness to it. It’s not see through at all.

Even though I sized up, it is pretty form fitting so I wore a red plaid shirt with it and front tied it. I felt much more comfortable this way!

Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid ShirtTurtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 1Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 2Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 3Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 4Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 5Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 6Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 7Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 8Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 9Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 10Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 11Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 12Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 13Turtleneck Ribbed Dress + Plaid Shirt 14

Dress: Amazon (here) | Plaid Shirt: Express | Booties: DSW

This ribbed turtleneck dress comes in 19 other color options. I went with the classic black.

I won’t make wearing a dress to “work” a habit, but I thought for the first day it was a good way to get in the right mindset.

Have you been getting dressed while in self-quarantine?

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Welcome to my blog! I'm a teacher during the day and lifestyle blogger by night. I love pop culture, entertainment/TV/movies/music, food, beauty, travel & fashion! www.twitter.com/jamwong www.instagram.com/lifeaccordingtojamie


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