Gold Sequin Sweater
Fashion,  Looks

Gold Sequin Cropped Sweater

Merry Christmas Eve to all of you who celebrate! This is the least prepared I’ve been for the holidays, I feel. I just finished wrapping gifts yesterday. I feel like I’m way ahead of the game usually and this year with my move I’ve just been so busy plus I feel like my festivities and Christmas decor have been in limbo while I was between places for so long. Now that I’m finally in my place full time I’m in no hurry to take my beautiful tree down! I will probably wait until the first weekend of January so I can bask in it’s glow for a while longer!

Today I’m sharing the perfect sweater to wear for a night out and/or for any holiday outing. It’s a cream colored cropped sweater with a gold sequin pattern all over. So pretty and fun and chic! It’s also really soft and not itchy at all as some sequin sweaters can be.

I wore this yesterday with super high-waisted jeans and my red lace boots.

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Sweater: Red Dress Boutique (here) | Jeans: Uniqlo | Boots: Red Dress Boutique

I love this whole outfit. It’s so comfortable and has elements of casualness to it since it is so comfy, but the sequins elevate the look and the red laces just add the best little pop of color and holiday feels.

My sweater is on waitlist so if you like it I would sign up asap! My high waisted jeans are old and I don’t see them on the Uniqlo website anymore. My boots are also sadly sold out, but I found quite a few similar pairs.

Do you have something fancy planned to wear for Christmas? I’m going festive casual tomorrow, but I’m wearing a dress tonight for Christmas Eve dinner. I’ll share both looks in a few days!

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Welcome to my blog! I'm a teacher during the day and lifestyle blogger by night. I love pop culture, entertainment/TV/movies/music, food, beauty, travel & fashion!

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